Africa Day
May 25th, Africa Day, is a day that calls on Africans to celebrate the gains, and reflect on the shortcomings, in realising a prosperous future on our beautiful continent. The tenacity and ingenuity the African people have shown during COVID-19, has reaffirmed the wealth of knowledge, craft, innovation, and humanity the continent hosts. From our shortcomings, I hope we find the grace to unpack lessons learnt, and garner solidarity to forge a better future. Across generations, and from all corners, our collective privilege as citizens of the continent is being Africans first before anything else. Now is the time to work together in fostering innovation, and harnessing home grown solutions to ensure a tomorrow that we are to be proud of. May we not forget that the progression of Africa is incomplete without investment in its people’s development. May we continue to be active citizens by demanding data driven accountability, in the distribution of our available resources, to make our growth both equitable and sustainable. May our soil be fertile, and our generations be blessed.
From one African to another, Happy Africa Day.